Many of us on the east coast have experienced crazy weather this week. Our unpredictable times just keep coming!
If you’re a leader, that means people are looking to you as a steady rock amid so much uncertainty.
That mightn’t be something you’ve sought, or even want – but it’s happening just the same.
The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer shows our trust in government has never been lower. Trust in all forms of media has dropped further than ever before.
We’re turning to our employers, people in our neighbourhood and anyone who seems to have a credible voice, as sources of truth.
Leaders who can communicate with clarity and credibility are the ones who’ll be heard and have influence. Here are three areas to focus on:
Be solid in your message. When I coach senior leaders, I’m amazed at how many lack confidence when they need to step into the spotlight and deliver important communication. They might believe what they’re saying deep down, but on the surface it doesn’t sound that way. You have to buy what you’re selling.
Be real. Why is Jacinda Ardern consistently hailed as an outstanding communicator? She knows her stuff but she’s also human in the way she expresses it. To be credible, you must find a way to connect with whoever you’re talking to. Speaking at them from a lofty height won’t cut it.
Be a constant improver. Few people arrive in the world as outstanding communicators. You can learn the skills to communicate with credibility and influence – then make it your practice to never stop improving. Your teams, clients and community are depending on it.
Dr Neryl East is a professional speaker and executive coach who shows leaders how to be heard, stand out and command influence. Connect with Neryl on LinkedIn here: